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Articles and opinions on small business and entrepreneurship

Top Home-Based Business Trends in 2007

Monday, October 09, 2006

Homestead Technologies commissioned the findings researched by Darrell Zahorsky, small business expert for About.com and author of upcoming book, "1001 Small Innovations," to encourage the growing numbers of workers seeking greater work-life balance and wealth-building opportunities in recognition of "Home-Based Business Week"

Here is the list of the top ten home based businesses for 2007:
  1. E-Learning: With advances in new web application tools such as podcasts and video blogs, development costs will decrease.
  2. E-Bay Aftermarket: Helping companies conduct market research, pricing strategies, shipping, and competitive analysis is a great niche business.
  3. Children Arts Education: There is a major market for teachers of right-brained education who are thought to help foster the development of future innovators.
  4. Garage Organizers: Just as organizing closets was the next big thing in the 80's, the messy garage is the final space to clean up.
  5. Background Checks: Small businesses with limited resources are turning to background check companies to handle investigation and due diligence.
  6. Pet Sitting: An ideal home-based business where you get paid to walk and enjoy the companionship of pets.
  7. Specialized Coaching: The coaching market has boomed in the recent years including specialized areas such as life, spiritual, corporate, relationship and business.
  8. Home-based Debt Collection: Debt has become a way of life for many Americans. Operating a low overhead home-based collection service can serve the niche sections of this market.
  9. Specialized Outsourcing: The small business market has limited resources and a focus on core competencies. Specialized outsourcing from home to small business will have a solid position market position for years to come.
  10. Scrap Booking: In today's easy to save and store digital age, opportunities abound for the home-based scrapbook artist, workshop teacher, or a direct sales rep.


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Thank you for the ideas! Really interesting...
Commented by Anonymous Anonymous, 11:39 PM  
My company caters to small e-commerce companies that would rather have their shipping and freight handled by an outside fulfillment house. We handle customers that ship from 1-2000 pieces a month - no customer is too small. Many of our customers have come to us just looking for a way to finally re-claim their living rooms, basements, and garages from all the shipping related mess

I think you'll find it surprisingly affordable, feel free to e-mail me (Scott Danby) at sales@ironlinx.com or for more information or go to www.ironlinx.com
Commented by Anonymous Anonymous, 4:20 PM  
Hi, home based business
are a good resource to research work from home franchises and business opportunities. Who knows, they might even inspire a new small business idea that will work as a home based business.
Commented by Anonymous Anonymous, 11:49 AM  

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